
Gold digger express

It's probably the dream of every half-way attractive, relatively sexy girl/woman around the world to hook up with, even marry a huge movie star, athlete or musician if they can snag him and hold his interest for more than 2 minutes. But the recent exposure of the ugliness behind the relationship and breakup of Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva proves how far south these shallow relationships can go.

Women forget that the man they're with probably has nothing to do with the well crafted, carefully managed image we see in public. Behind his wealth and fame, a celebrity is just a man, usually with immense flaws and an even bigger ego. The now infamous Gibson/Grigorieva tapes put it all in perspective. Tiger Woods, Larry King, David Letterman, Charlie Sheen, etc., etc., blah, blah. Just men with the money and recognition to get anything and anyone they want without need for the consideration of others. So ladies, if you want one of these guys, just think of what you're in for on a daily basis, not just the glitter and glam of walking a red carpet every once in a while. Make your own money and fame... and be nice to everyone.

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