
I don't have a picture to show you but....

Why does Ann Curry's hair bother me so much? For the past few weeks, the Today Show news reader has been wearing her hair in an updo that is reminiscent of great grandmothers from the 1800s. Is she growing it out? Is something wrong with her health that viewers have not been informed of? I guess in today's world of cougars and 40 is the new 20, I wonder why this attractive 53-year-old is, in my mind, deliberately making herself look old and fuddy-duddy. I don't get it. Although I love the Today Show I'll admit I'm not a big Ann Curry fan, and this new hairstyle has pushed me over the top. Call me shallow if you want, but news readers, anchors and hosts are there to be looked at; I didn't set the standards. The entertainment industry and society have. So unless Ann Curry is going through undisclosed personal issues, why make this choice? It smacks of a lack of complete self-awareness. Ann, honey, don't try to look 73 before your time. Life goes by fast enough as it is.

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