
Ed Hardy-Not Glam

Love Kills Slowly and so apparently does over-exposure. We think too much success has killed the Ed Hardy cool factor. If we see one more Ed Hardy anything, we'll scream. A brand born on the rise and acceptance of tattoo and graffiti culture, Ed Hardy was the epitome of modern-day counter-culture attitude, the purchase of a Ed Hardy t-shirt, sneakers, sunglasses or other product was your monetary entry into what was once a cutting-edge club. But too much of a good thing is never actually good. When disgraced husband and father Jon Gosselin becomes the poster child for Ed Hardy trendiness (he not only wears the t-shirts every single day apprently, we hear he may also be entering into some sort of partnership with the company) then it's probably time to put your own products out to pasture. Not to mention every other person you pass on the street has some type of Ed Hardy clothing or accessory on. Great for the company's bottom line but doesn't say much about your own unique personal style. So we say, enough of Ed Hardy, they're officially off the glam list.

Zoe on Zoe

Rachel Zoe is a fashionista's wet dream come to life. Deliriously glamorous, stylish and trendy, we love her ability to meticulously edit every single piece of clothing and accessory on her body. Yeah, yeah, we like what she does for celebrities too but understand, when Rachel styles celebrities she's basically playing with Barbie dolls, getting to dress them up any way she wants: Her style not necessarily theirs. But when Rachel decks herself out, oooh, la, la. One's heart beats a little faster at all the delicious colors, textures and shapes she pulls together and arranges like a perfect symphonic performance. Her natural ability to coordinate and craft each outfit is born of a true artist aesthetic. She may be obsessive, completely self-absorbed, and lives in a one-dimensional world but her passion and talent are also positively orgasmic in their consistent perfection. Whatever it is, she's got it! http://www.rachelzoe.com/

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